Family Lawyer Adelaide: Why Choose a Certified Family Law Specialist?

Family law attorneys often handle sensitive matters that have profound ramifications on life, such as divorce and child custody matters. While any lawyer can represent clients in these matters, some have gone the extra mile and earned specialist certification in these fields.

Hiring a family law specialist Adelaide can make an immense difference to your case.

Certified Specialists

When dealing with family law matters, it’s essential to find a certified specialist. These attorneys have been recognised by the State Bar of California’s Board of Legal Specialisation as possessing the knowledge, expertise, and skill to handle complex cases related to divorce, child custody, support, domestic violence, property division and other family related issues.

Attorneys holding the Certified Family Law Specialist designation have passed an in-depth written exam covering various aspects of family law, demonstrated high levels of experience within their area of practice, fulfilled additional education requirements, and earned favorable evaluations from judges and attorneys alike. Furthermore, specialists must adhere to stringent continuing legal education requirements.

At Lonich Patton Ehrlich Policastri, our certified family law specialists are ready to assist with any case. With over 30 years of combined experience and dedication to strong representation for each client, contact us now to arrange a consultation session!

Experienced Representation

Family law cases differ greatly from other legal fields in that they often involve highly personal matters and emotional impacts for all those involved, which makes family lawyers uniquely qualified to manage complex matters with compassion while offering top-tier representation for their clients.

Family lawyers must have experience handling various legal issues related to family matters such as divorce, property division, child custody/visitation arrangements, support payments, domestic violence restraining orders and adoptions – while non-specialist attorneys may be capable of handling some matters, the majority require professional legal guidance.

Individuals interested to become a family law specialist Adelaide have various ways of becoming exposed to it, from internships and fellowships to volunteerism and law schools offering family law-related courses and clinics where students interact with real families to gain hands-on experience in the field. Furthermore, individuals can research attorney qualifications by visiting their websites or checking their backgrounds – finding an experienced attorney with a proven record is especially vital when dealing with sensitive and complex cases such as family law matters.

Expertise in a Wide Range of Cases

CFLSs have extensive experience handling a range of complex cases, such as high conflict custody disputes, property division, domestic violence restraining orders and restraining orders, valuation and division of pensions, profit sharing plans, employee stock options or any other form of deferred compensation plans, among many other financial matters.

Certification requires passing an exam, providing references, and demonstrating extensive legal knowledge regarding family law. Furthermore, lawyers must continue their education with seminars or continuing legal education courses (CLE) focused on family law in order to remain certified specialists.

Selecting a CFLS will provide you with the representation necessary for your case and give you peace of mind during emotional, sensitive litigation. Reach out today and learn about our team; they offer free consultations for families. Call (855) GO-CFLS today.

Access to Resources

Family law specialists often act as legal resources for other attorneys and the community at large, including publishing articles in legal journals, giving lectures and seminars, providing training sessions to their peers on specific subjects, and hosting meetings several times each year to discuss common issues and share strategies within practice.

LIFT provides helplines and attorney referrals to anyone needing legal advice in New York related to Family Court matters – even those without a family law specialist Adelaide – regardless of where they stand on this process. Callers who contact LIFT without representation will be connected with either staff attorneys or pro bono lawyers from LIFT who will answer questions and assist them with planning for next steps. In addition, this organisation maintains Education and Information Sites located near each NYC borough family court for quick assistance when necessary.

Callaghan’s New York Family Law, available through Westlaw, can also provide useful insights. This treatise covers every Family Court proceeding including initial pleadings, jurisdiction, supervision needs of persons needing supervision, custody and visitation proceedings, restraining orders/child abuse orders/adoption proceedings etc.